As women, our handbags are often more than just a fashion statement. For many of us, our handbags contain our whole lives, and we simply cannot just leave home without it.
Which brings about the big question – What should be regarded as an absolute necessity to carry around in that big handbag of yours? We always want to be prepared for any possible emergency, without having to drag around an overstuffed, overweight haversack. Please keep in mind that according to the American Chiropractic Association an overweight and oversized handbag is one of the main causes for back, neck and shoulder muscle spasms and pinched nerves.
The following is a list of handbag must-haves:
- Disinfectant wet wipes – From wiping down sticky hands to cleaning the handles of trolleys or shopping baskets, these are a must for any handbag.
- Breath freshener/ Breath mints are vital, especially before that all-important meeting.
- A mini pack of tissues comes to the rescue for when the sneezes start.
- Safety pins can save most fashion and wardrobe malfunctions.
- Perfume/ Roll-on to help freshen things up on warmer days.
- A pen as, even though we are living in a digital age, there is still that one form that needs to be filled out by hand.
- Pain killers are a life-saver in case of a sudden headache or cramp.
- A Band-Aid, for that one day you decide to try out your new shoes.
- Hairpins/ Hairband, as one can never have enough.
When it comes to certain handbag essentials, let DermaFix Cosmeceutical Skin Care assist you with a few high-quality products that would change your life.
DermaFix LipFix – Everyone’s lips need some TLC and nourishment every now and then, but moisturizing the lips alone isn’t always enough. DermaFix LipFix offers gradual plumping benefits while boosting anti-oxidant levels offering anti-ageing properties, as well as protecting the lips with SPF20 High Protection Sunscreen.
Hand ResQ – This moisture restoration hand cream works as an anti-ageing treatment to improve fine lines and wrinkles while improving hangnails and nourishing the nail bed and cuticles. DermaFix Hand ResQ is perfect for use when driving as it nourishes the skin whilst offering SPF20 high UVA/UVB protection, preventing environmental damage without leaving an oily or sticky residue.
DermaShield SPF 40/50 – Living in South Africa and being constantly exposed to our harsh sun can lead to premature photo-ageing, hyperpigmentation and malignant skin lesions. It is important to re-apply your SPF throughout the day, especially if you know you are going to be outdoors or exposed in any way. DermaFix DermaShield SPF40 / SPF50 provides high UVA/UVB protection against harmful UV rays, assisting to prevent environmental damage and cellular breakdown.
HydraSooth SOS – The DermaFix HydraSooth SOS is your one must-have skin emergency SOS treatment cream, targeting everything from sunburn, skin rashes and irritations to soothing insect bites and light burn wounds. This is the one product you should never be without!
Keeping your handbag nice and light with these basic must-haves and your DermaFix handbag essentials will ensure you prepared in all situations.