Over the past decade, there has been an explosion of peeling mediums introduced into the skin care industry. These modalities provide for an increasing number of sophisticated protocol options to help with the improvement of various concerns including hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, rough textured skin, acne, and age prevention to name but a few.

A plethora of ingredients which range in various colours from green – promising herbals, yellow – vitamin A vitalising the skin and blue – merely to help with product application preventing overlap on application making peel too intensive causing possible necrosis.

Superficial peels do not penetrate much below the stratum corneum and induce skin exfoliation, medium depth peels improve pigmentation and fine lines and wrinkles while deep chemical peels alleviate deeper skin wrinkling and promote skin lightening due to pigment cell damage. Skin reaction is the barometer of a peel, whatever depth is chosen. The success of peeling the skin is dependent on the skin type, the correct peeling medium chosen and the professional application. Home care is of utmost importance pre- and post-peel. Education and experience is key to successful skin peeling.


Peeling assists to stimulate Wound Healing as follows

Stages of Wound Healing Peeling Depth
Coagulation and inflammation Superficial
Re-epithelialization Superficial and mid
Granular tissue formation (dermal) Mid and deep
Angiogenesis (dermal) Mid and deep
Collagen remodelling (dermal) Mainly deep


DermaFix Progressive 4 Stage Peel is a peeling modality that was developed by Scientist Dermatologist James E Fulton who co-developed RetinA® with Scientist Dermatologist Albert Kligman. This customizable medium depth peel contains a combination of natural moisturisers, keratolytics and alpha-hydroxy acids (fruit acids) that resurfaces the skin, stimulates new cell regeneration, increases collagen formation, and stimulates the blood flow thus improving the complexion of the skin.

The DermaFix Progressive 4 Stage Peel is a layer dependant system allowing for the DermaFix Skin Care Professional to monitor your skins response and progressively increase the amount of layers according to each individual’s skin tolerance. This DermaFix Peeling System is ideal for clients experiencing thickened, photo-damaged and hyper-pigmented skin whilst improving ageing concerns such as fine lines and wrinkles. This Peel can be adjusted to a “Lite version” inducing minor erythema with mild desquamation. This protocol is beneficial in targeting concerns related to photo-damage and proves useful for the hesitant client new to the process of peeling, as less downtime is experienced.


The DermaFix Progressive 4 Stage Peel is used by Medical Practitioners and trained Skin Care Professionals.

In the vast arsenal of choices a Skin Care Professional has access to, those known to create the least damage over the long term are Skin Peeling and Microneedling procedures. Disappointing results can often be seen with the use of expensive equipment whereas Peeling and Microneedling modalities can provide superior and cost effective results. Homecare support product alongside these professional modalities is vital in ensuring the best results are obtained. DermaFix MelanoDerm prevents post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, its formulations contains a unique skin brightening complex helping to inhibit tyrosinase activity within the skin.

For any queries regarding the DermaFix Peeling Systems and Homecare support products you can contact DermaFix Cosmeceutical Skin Care directly on 0861 28 23 23 or visit our website www.dermafix.co.za.