From time to time, brands clash. It’s inevitable when they are everywhere and represent almost everything. What’s important is that a company which finds itself experiencing such a clash sets about making a clear distinction between its own business activities, and those of the competing brand.
In this light, DermaFix Cosmeceutical Skin Care – South African distributor of an extensive range of advanced skin care products to Professional Beauty Clinics , Medi Spa’s, and Aesthetic Clinics – has found itself in the position where it needs to make a distinction between its own brand and that of US-based dermavix.
Ursula Hunt managing director of DermaFix Cosmeceutical Skin Care states categorically that DermaFix will never request private information or banking details from a customer, or trick a customer into setting up a debit order after they have ordered a sample. Further, we will not charge for full products when only sample sizes have been sent, or debit a customer’s account erroneously, and repeatedly, after the placing of such an order. We only require credit card details when a customer indicates that they wish to purchase a DermaFix product, or series thereof, from the DermaFix Online Store.
Interestingly, in April this year, Irish actress Amy Huberman called in legal experts and took to social media to point out that she had never been a brand ambassador for dermavix, despite an online scam claiming she represented the brand. She went on to warn customers to be cautious of claims in which any cosmeceutical brand promises “the skin of a toddler” and embroils customers in monthly subscriptions that appear “almost impossible to get out of”.